Ausschreibung: Co-Creation-Spaces Klima & Energie 2022
1. Innovationslabor für Bildungsräume: Forschungsteam „Arbeitsraum Bildung“ gewinnt FFG-Ausschreibung
Kooperation der TU Wien, Inst. Kunst und Gestaltung, Karin Harather mit KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien & IBA_Internationale Bauaustellung Wien
How can we develop new visions for urban and regional matters and introduce new social and societal values as intrinsic aspect for urban development? Which role can art and artistic strategies play in the context of urban issues and urban development? How can art maintain its autonomy? Which conditions are needed?
PLANNING UNPLANNED / Towards a New Positioning of Art in the Context of Urban Development